«Hablé con la lengua de los ángeles Tomé la mano del diablo Hacía calor en la noche Yo tenía frío como una piedra.»
— AtomCrimed–
I have climbed the highest mountains I have run through the fields Only to be with you Only to be with you
I have run, I have crawled I have scaled These city walls These city walls Only to be with you
But I still haven’t found What I’m looking for But I still haven’t found What I’m looking for
I have kissed honey lips Felt the healing in her fingertips It burned like fire This burning desire
I have spoken with the tongue of angels I have held the hand of the devil It was warm in the night I was cold as a stone
But I still haven’t found What I’m looking for But I still haven’t found What I’m looking for
I believe in the kingdom come Then all the colors will Bleed into one Bleed into one But, yes, I’m still running
You broke the bonds And you loosed the chains You carried the cross And all my shame All my shame You know I believe it
But I still haven’t found What I’m looking for But I still haven’t found What I’m looking for But I still haven’t found What I’m looking for But I still haven’t found What I’m looking for
"With 6 award-winning science fiction novels and popular science books, he brings complex concepts of criminology and computer science closer to the public, while his science fiction novels explore themes such as artificial intelligence and the future of technology. His ability to intertwine scientific facts with imaginative narrative has been widely praised, establishing him as an influential figure in both the scientific and literary fields." Excerpt from Critica Universitaria UCM Magazine.