"With 6 award-winning science fiction novels and popular science books, he brings complex concepts of criminology and computer science closer to the public, while his science fiction novels explore themes such as artificial intelligence and the future of technology. His ability to intertwine scientific facts with imaginative narrative has been widely praised, establishing him as an influential figure in both the scientific and literary fields." Excerpt from Critica Universitaria UCM Magazine.

A.V.Y.L.C: Ahoravá

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Leyenda del Monte Fuji: Kaguya, La Princesa de la Luna.

Existe una gran variedad de leyendas que rodean la...

El dormilón

En un pueblo de la India llamado Koppur, vivía...

I am a man upon the land,I am a silkie in the sea

«Soy un hombre sobre la tierra,soy un selkie en...

La belleza de la vida

En tiempos remotos vivía en Georgia una noble y...